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Picture of a female Physician sitting across from a female patient at a desk.They are both wearing a mask.

Price Transparency Resources

We are committed to making information available to help you understand and anticipate your cost of healthcare treatment and services. Calculating the cost of healthcare is complex and we are here to help you make informed healthcare decisions. While the resources below can serve as a guide in your decision making, the best source of information is a formal patient estimate which can be obtained by speaking with a financial counselor at one of our hospitals. Our team can provide information about your individual plan benefits and cost sharing that are much more specific than the broad estimates available here.

To access a list of Standard Charges, Shoppable Services identified by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and Payor Negotiated Rates, select a facility below. You can also speak with a financial counselor by calling our hospitals at the phone numbers provided below.

Please note: The prices provided within these websites represent an estimate for the service or bundle based on historical billing for the service. It does not include professional fees such as physician, radiologist, anesthesiologist, and pathological fees. As such, this is not a quote and the resulting prices may not be a true reflection of patient responsibility.

Hospital Phone Number Link
Alhambra Hospital Medical Center (626) 570-1606 View Standard Charges
AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center (714) 774-1450 View Standard Charges
Doctor's Hospital of Riverside (951) 688-2211 View Standard Charges
Garfield Medical Center (626) 573-2222 View Standard Charges
Greater El Monte Community Hospital (626) 579-7777 View Standard Charges
Monterey Park Hospital (626) 570-9000 View Standard Charges
San Gabriel Valley Medical Center (626) 289-5454 View Standard Charges
Seton Medical Center (650) 992-4000 View Standard Charges
Whittier Hospital Medical Center (562) 945-3561 View Standard Charges
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